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The new generation of entrepreneurs understands that the purpose of business is not simply about profit, but about solving problems.

The global fight against man-made climate change has created an opportunity to use the power of community and technology to define a vision of a sustainable future. The European Union, The United States, and Latin America have all demonstrated their commitment to becoming climate neutral and transitioning into modern, resource-efficient and competitive economies.

It’s time to promote startups as engines in solving the climate crisis and bring their powerful voices to policy and government.

Our Mission

Policy Advocacy

Ensure that EU policies benefit GreenTech startups

Encouraging Conversation

Lead policy dialogues around anything environment-related

Connecting stakeholders

Bring together the community, discuss challenges and share best practices

Facilitating Cooperation

Encouraging and enhancing collaboration among GreenTech startups and their stakeholders

Engaging with a

  • Policy Intelligence & Advocacy
    • Monitoring key policy files and initiatives, such as the EU Green Deal, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Net Zero Industry Act and ensure the startup lens is being represented. Run effective campaigns to advance the role of innovation in sustainability.
  • Share Best Practices
    • Compiling a Startup Climate Charter - a best practice repository of global measures & policies that empower climate entrepreneurs and drive the green transition.
  • Visibility & Networking
    • Hosting an annual Startup Climate Summit in the EU capital of Brussels, bringing together the Startup Climate Network, EU policy makers, and global sustainability players.
  • Engage in Global Events
    • Engaging in a side event at COP28, fostering debates and conversations between entrepreneurs and policy makers in partnership with Startup Planet.
  • Flagship Reports
    • Developing a flagship report on ‘going green’ for entrepreneurs and startup associations.
  • Thought Content
    • Participating in speaking opportunities at leading conferences on climate action, bringing the startup voice to the table. Produce opinion pieces, reports, and articles for leading publications.


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