
Net neutrality is the cornerstone of an open and fair digital economy. It ensures that all internet traffic it treated equally and that access to data from any provider is governed by a non-discrimination principle. Neutrality gives startups an equal chance to compete in an open marketplace. That’s why the slightest change to this principle could lead to a slippery slope, diminishing their capacity and that of their users to create, consume and access material online.

Functioning net neutrality rules allow startups to compete with large players on the basis of their product. Instead, more powerful/wealthy players might be able to secure an unfair advantage that startups cannot compete with. Net Neutrality is a core priority of Allied for Startups, as it is fundamental to the ecosystem that startups need to thrive. Allied for Startups supports effective regulation efforts that guarantee neutrality.

You can read more about our position on artificial intelligence here…

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