
Startups are born out of the very essence of the competitive thought and they do! They have the potential to challenge any established company, business-model or sector. They thrive in a vibrant platform economy that has enabled startups to focus on innovating for the user and to reach scale. Startups think global from day one and won’t rest until the world is their market.

Startups need giants to disrupt, competitors to outperform, users to love, who consume and co-create. The right frameworks will put them on an equal footing with legacy industries. No-one should succeed because they “have always succeeded” but only because they offer a superior product, better choice, price or consumer benefit. Allied for Startups encourages policymakers to focus on startups and their life-cycles when making competition policy fit for the digital age.

Our recomendations

Strengthening a fast-growing diverse platform economy where startups can thrive.
Enable mergers and acquisitions to fuel competition in the startup ecosystem.
Startups need understandable and efficient (quick) competition policy.

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