
Entrepreneurs start their businesses where conditions are best. Be it access to better infrastructure, talent, partnerships or a better regulatory framework, startup founders are not bound to one location anymore. To fulfill and increase startups’ economic potential, founders should be able to hire and retain the talent they need. Talent has been a priority of AFS since day one. This is why Allied for Startups supports any type of initiative that will help EU startups to have access to a pool of talent such as the promotion of digital literacy for the current and next generation: 

coding, STEM, more open curriculas containing multi sectoral disciplines. Startups need simple procedures to employ the best available talent, and Europe needs to become attractive for founders and skilled workers alike. To enable startups to be competitive when hiring new talent from abroad, startups need harmonised and unified rules around a European startup visa and stock options. The time and the administrative efforts will be lower and will enable startups to focus on what is really important for them – innovation.

Visas, Stock and Skills

  • 01. EU Startups Visa
    • We support the creation of startup visas that enable founders to migrate and settle their business with fewer administrative requirements, and allow them to hire the right people to develop their business.
  • 02. Stock Options
    • Employee stock options are one of the main ways for startups to compete with bigger already established companies but currently there are too many different stock options schemes across Europe. A European option could eliminate fragmentation and learn from the best frameworks.
  • 03. Skills
    • Entrepreneurial, digital and cross-sectoral skills should be promoted across secondary schools & universities, with the help of EU companies. Programmes such as Erasmus for Entrepreneurs and Founders4Schools should be expanded to high school and university students to provide short internships in startups across Europe.

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