Dear policy makers, for every big tech CEO, listen to 10 startup entrepreneurs.

January 21, 2020
startup entrepreneurs

This week, senior representatives from big tech companies spoke out about regulation on Artificial Intelligence, digital taxation, online content moderation, and other pressing issues in the digital single market, as Brussels prepares to regulate and amend policy on these issues.  

Some of these impact areas affect entrepreneurs in every possible way. How? Sometimes legislation does not take into consideration startups’ specificity and characteristics, hindering their potential for growth. There is an added dimension to this in Europe where they have to navigate 28 sets of rules of each Member State. The lack of legal certainty and harmonisation disproportionately affects these small organisations, who have less time and resources to deal with regulatory obstacles. Often the loss of innovation potential is truly staggering! 

We’ve had an idea! At Allied for Startups we propose that policy makers meet with 10 startup entrepreneurs  for every big tech CEO they talk to about how regulation of the digital economy affects their businesses. This way, everybody can have a seat at the table which will exponentially grow entrepreneurs’ chances of success.

Startups have the potential to change the world for the better. Policy makers should hear first-hand how startups are driving economies, how they contribute to society and how the right policies can help them shape the environment to contribute even further to their economic impact. 

At Allied for Startups our mission is to ensure that the voices of startups are heard in policy and government. Ergo, if you don’t know or can’t meet 10 startup entrepreneurs, a good starting point could be to reach out to their associations. At AFS, we’d be happy to connect you. Just get in touch! [email protected]