Covid 19

Covid 19 DTX Innovation September 14, 2021 BioNTech: A Covid-19 Startup Success Story

BioNTech has emerged as one of the pandemic’s greatest success stories, spotlighting the disruptive nature of startups in finding solutions to societies’ biggest challenges. What began as a small, German biotech startup committed to transforming medicine, soon catapulted into a global pioneer in the Covid-19 race to vaccine discovery.  The Covid-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented …

Covid 19 DTX Innovation June 17, 2021 Your Chance to Win The European Patients’ Digital Health Awards!

Are you the next PDHA champion? Here is your opportunity to win a prize and recognition for your work in digital health innovation! We are very excited to be partnering up for the first ever European edition of the Patient Digital Health Awards – an initiative spotlighting Europe’s best digital health solutions improving the health …

Covid 19 Startups January 27, 2021 How startups support COVID-19 vaccinations

As the first COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out, an end to the health crisis is in sight. Despite recent delays, the EU intends to vaccinate 70% of its adult population by summer. Startups from across the world are contributing to vaccination efforts. From addressing distribution challenges to ensuring smooth workflows, innovative entrepreneurs play an important …

Covid 19 Latest News Startup Nations Standard September 11, 2020 Landmark post-COVID-19 Digital Policies: The EU Startup Nations Standard

On Wednesday, our Director EU policy, Benedikt Blomeyer moderated a panel at the Virtual Ideas Festival about the Startup Nations Standard (SNS). Pēteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit at DG Connect, Dominic Jacquesson Vice-President Talent at Index Ventures and Liz McCarthy CEO from Scale Ireland joined us to do discuss the potential of the SNS for …

Covid 19 Latest News Policy July 1, 2020 Startups’ 13 recommendations for the post COVID-19 economic recovery

In May 2020, given the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the global economy, leaders of startup communities across the world formed a working group to work on measures to support startups in this extraordinary time, and by doing so spark the post-COVID-19 economic recovery. The group focused on putting startups in the centre of …

Covid 19 DTX Startups May 6, 2020 COVID-19 & digital health startups: an overview

Digital solutions are playing a vital role in supporting health care systems and people around the world throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the recovery. We talked to several digital health startups’ founders who are providing innovative solutions to support health care providers, reduce the spread of the virus and increase the accessibility of health services: …

Covid 19 Policy April 28, 2020 Why should governments support startups in the economic downturn?

As COVID-19 spreads across the world and countries declare national lockdowns, economies suffer. The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented crisis and its consequences will hit all sectors of the economy. While startups are adaptable, resilient economic actors, they are also inherently smaller and have fewer resources.  We are happy to see that governments across Europe …

Covid 19 DTX April 16, 2020 Startups can merge innovation & mental health to provide well-being

The unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis is overwhelming health care systems around the world. During times like these, it is particularly important to take advantage of all means available to implement solutions that help curb the loss of lives and empower the health workers to carry out their work. Concerns related to mental health are also …

Covid 19 Open Letter April 3, 2020 Joint Letter from Startup Communities on COVID-19

Dear President of the European Commission, Dear Ms. von der Leyen, We, the undersigned representatives of startup communities, call on you to give startups a central role in your solutions to the COVID-19 outbreak, to support startups through the difficult economic situation in the short run and to make startups central to your plans for …

Covid 19 Policy Press Release March 23, 2020 PRESS RELEASE: Governments should support startups in the covid-19 economic downturn

[Brussels, 23 March 2020, contact: [email protected]] Allied for Startups encourages governments and international organizations to take measures to support startups in the ensuing COVID-19 economic downturn. The health and safety of citizens during these difficult times should be the priority of governments and startups.  Looking into the future, an economic downturn is foreseeable. Startups have …