DSA 4 Startups

DSA 4 Startups Latest News Press Release July 7, 2022 PRESS RELEASE: EU leads the way with landmark platform rules

[Brussels, 7 July 2022, contact [email protected]] We welcome landmark new horizontal legislation for the online economy, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which were approved by the European Parliament on 5 July 2022. While different in scope and effect, both will play an important role in building a strong and …

DSA 4 Startups Latest News platforms January 19, 2022 Why is the Digital Services Act important for startups?

10,000 startups in Europe are counting on the European Parliament to vote for a Digital Services Act that facilitates innovation for businesses and societies across Europe by sticking to the hard-won IMCO compromise and rejecting disproportionate last-minute amendments. MEPs in the Internal Market Committee MEPs have designed an approach that strikes a balance between preventing …

DSA 4 Startups Latest News Press Release November 26, 2021 PRESS RELEASE: Maintaining the foundation of the platform economy in The Digital Services Act is key to startup growth

[Brussels, 25 November 2021, contact [email protected]] We welcome the adoption of the Council of the EU’s general approach on the Digital Services Act which maintains the key principles of the E-Commerce Directive and the Country of Origin principle, which is vitally important for startup ecosystems.   The general approach preserves three key principles for startup ecosystems: …

DSA 4 Startups Latest News Policy November 18, 2021 The importance of targeted advertising for startup ecosystems in Europe

Testimonials from startup innovators and ecosystem builders You didn’t hear it from us – hear from European ecosystem builders below on why targeted advertising matters for the launching and scaling of innovative businesses in Europe. The Digital Services Act is a landmark political file that can update and clarify the legal framework for startups operating …

DSA 4 Startups Latest News Open Letter October 25, 2021 Open Letter: Making the DSA proportionate and balanced

Dear Members of the European Parliament, Dear Ambassadors to the EU, We, the undersigned startup organisations, encourage you to ensure the DSA becomes more proportionate and balanced so that startups can scale-up their innovations to businesses and consumers across the EU. Our members would like to request a meeting or roundtable with you at your …

DSA 4 Startups Latest News platforms Policy October 5, 2021 Will the DSA favour startup innovation in the Single Market?

The Digital Services Act can provide the harmonisation that startups need to operate across EU markets by updating and clarifying the rules governing platforms. Following the recent discussions in the co-legislative bodies of the EU, namely the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, it’s unclear that all parties are considering startups’ growth perspectives …

Digital Single Market DSA 4 Startups Latest News Policy September 21, 2021 Tweaking the Country of Origin principle in the DSA – A threat to the Digital Single Market

As the discussions around the Digital Services Act (DSA) progress, one principle is of key importance for startups – the Country of Origin, also known as the Internal Market Clause. The principle states that a company must follow the legislation of its country of establishment, regardless of where its services are offered. Concretely, a second-hand …

Digital Single Market DSA 4 Startups Latest News platforms Policy September 8, 2021 How will marketplace startups in the EU deal with new platform rules?

There are about 10,000 startup platforms in the EU, many of which are online marketplaces. The Digital Services Act has the potential to empower these to launch their businesses and scale in the EU, if it preserves the founding principles of the platform economy and gives entrepreneurs legal clarity. As the discussions are underway in …

DSA 4 Startups platforms Policy June 25, 2021 Dear MEPs: We can strike a balance between promoting innovation and protecting consumers in the DSA

Startups are born out of consumers’ needs. In order to grow their businesses, consumer trust is imperative and hence it is in their interest to provide the information and tailored services that their users need. The Digital Services Act (DSA) represents an opportunity to strike the right balance between designing a clear pathway for startups …

DSA 4 Startups Policy June 4, 2021 Policy makers: avoid slowing down the platform economy with the DSA

Last week we published our position on the DSA, following a consultation with our Members. In a subsequent blog post, we highlighted what elements of the DSA  have the potential to ignite startup growth. This week, we want to cover the elements of the DSA with the potential to undermine startup growth and the economic …

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