
2024 EU Elections Competition Startups June 4, 2024 Invest in programs to ensure European workers have the skills they need to compete in the global economy, and entrepreneurs have access to the talent they need to hire.

By Carola Cantaluppi, Public and European Affairs & Partnerships at InnovUp The European Union (EU) is facing an ongoing digital transformation which requires workers to constantly acquire and develop new digital skills. Digital technologies and digital skills are indeed complementary: they reciprocally strengthen each other in pivoting innovation and economic growth.  The EU is currently …

2024 EU Elections Competition Innovation Startups May 16, 2024 The EU must focus on fostering the rules of net neutrality

What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality refers to a principle that ensures internet service providers (ISPs) treat all online traffic equally and openly, without discrimination, blocking, throttling or prioritisation by user, content, service, application, or any method of communication at hand. In the digital space, the term isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the lifeblood of …

Competition Latest News July 6, 2021 Let consumers make their pick & trust startups to deliver!

Startups exist because they respond to consumer needs – whether online or offline. Legislation that empowers innovation and ambitious startups also benefits consumers. However this only works if legislation isn’t designed to artificially pick winners and losers, for instance by favoring offline distribution mechanisms under a misleading guise of perceived fairness.  COVID-19 fundamentally changed the …

Competition Digital Single Market Latest News platforms December 3, 2020 The Digital Markets Act – FAQ for Startup Founders

For the past year, we’ve been hearing and talking a lot about the DSA – The Digital Services Act. Not everyone will have followed that, in parallel, the European Commission was reviewing competition rules for the digital economy. Now the fruits of this labour will be presented. On to the stage comes the DMA – …

Competition Startups February 28, 2020 Why Startups can’t succeed without Acquisitions

Acquisitions are a crucial metric of thriving startup ecosystems that deserve more recognition. In a successful exit there are many winners. Acquisitions have immediate positive effects for a given startup and entrepreneurs. But it is the broader economic perspective that underlines why having more acquisitions pays dividends for society, the economy and innovation-at-large. Current policy …

Competition Policy February 13, 2020 Updating competition policy – Startups are the best competitors!

Competition policy is a cornerstone of the policy making globally toolbox and plays a prominent role in the European Union where the European Commission has exclusive competence to implement WTO rules. Its purpose is to ensure that businesses can compete on equal terms in the Single Market and that consumers benefit from low prices and …