
Innovation Startups July 24, 2024 Von der Leyen 2.0: Vision For the Future of Startups and Innovation

Introduction Ursula von der Leyen has been appointed as President of the European Commission for a second term with 401 votes, setting the stage for an ambitious policy programme that will address critical challenges in competition, defence, sustainability, technology and health. Her pitch to the European Parliament outlined a clear vision of the next five …

Startups July 5, 2024 The Hungarian Presidency: What’s in it for the startup ecosystem?

From 1 July 2024, Hungary will hold the presidency of the Council until December 2024. As the common denominator among the programme is to boost the EU’s competitiveness, a critical priority is to address the New European Competitiveness Deal, to help restore the European Union’s economy and surpass its global competitors. Additionally, Hungary plans to …

2024 EU Elections Policy Startups June 19, 2024 EU Election Results and Their Implications for Startups

With the EU Elections in the rearview mirror, it is time to dive into the results to see what the new European Parliament composition will look like, the influence of the elections on the European Commission, and the implications on startups. Now as the EU embarks on  another five year term, consider this your guide …

2024 EU Elections Startups June 5, 2024 EU Elections: What is at stake for startups?

While the sun still has not found its way through the Brussels clouds, EU election fever is reaching its peak in the European capital. In the week of the EU elections, it is high time to have a look at what the polls predict and what these prospective results would mean for startups. Consider this …

2024 EU Elections Competition Startups June 4, 2024 Invest in programs to ensure European workers have the skills they need to compete in the global economy, and entrepreneurs have access to the talent they need to hire.

By Carola Cantaluppi, Public and European Affairs & Partnerships at InnovUp The European Union (EU) is facing an ongoing digital transformation which requires workers to constantly acquire and develop new digital skills. Digital technologies and digital skills are indeed complementary: they reciprocally strengthen each other in pivoting innovation and economic growth.  The EU is currently …

2024 EU Elections Innovation Startups May 27, 2024 A Globally Interconnected Economy: A Catalyst for Startups and Innovation

The importance of a globally interconnected economy for startups and innovation cannot be overstated. The seamless flow of ideas, resources, and collaboration across borders is paramount for entrepreneurial success and driving progress. To illustrate these multifaceted benefits, this article highlights the opportunities provided by a globally interconnected economy and demonstrates how startups can leverage these …

Innovation Startups May 17, 2024 World Telecommunications Day: How startups are bridging the digital divide

At this point in time, technology is at the most advanced stage, and will only continue to improve. Nevertheless, at the same moment we are confronted with the Digital Divide, with 3.7 billion people still unconnected, which hinders innovation in certain areas of the planet. This divide limits opportunities for education, economic growth, and overall …

2024 EU Elections Competition Innovation Startups May 16, 2024 The EU must focus on fostering the rules of net neutrality

What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality refers to a principle that ensures internet service providers (ISPs) treat all online traffic equally and openly, without discrimination, blocking, throttling or prioritisation by user, content, service, application, or any method of communication at hand. In the digital space, the term isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the lifeblood of …

2024 EU Elections Startups May 13, 2024 The impact of disinformation on startups and their role in combating it

When you say 2024, you say elections! This year, more than 2 billion voters in 50 countries will head to the polls to cast their vote. Would 2024 then be the perfect year to celebrate democracy and free and fair elections? Well, against the backdrop of this super election year, concerns about the increasing spread …

2024 EU Elections Startups April 29, 2024 Support and encourage startup research and investment: Identifying and disseminating best-in-class pan-European investment instruments.

By Miguel Ferrer, SVP Strategy and Public Agenda – Adigital / EsTech Startups and scaleups play a crucial role in enhancing European competitiveness and driving the shift towards a new, innovative production model. These companies have demonstrated the potential to elevate the continent’s productivity, attract international investment, generate employment, and foster innovation across various sectors, …

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