Rocket Club

Artificial Intelligence Rocket Club November 10, 2020 3,2,1…Re-launching the Rocket Club! 🚀

In 2019, in the wake of European elections, we set ourselves the goal of forming an Intergroup on startups and scale-ups in the European Parliament. Our Europe💙Startups campaign gathered more than 50 MEPs. Our initial idea didn’t quite materialise but we realised that we had assembled a network of tech-savvy and startupper MEPs. Always true …

Policy Rocket Club December 16, 2019 Allied for Startups launches 🚀 The Rocket Club 🚀

Startups and scaleups live and flourish in ecosystems of talent (entrepreneurs & employees, mentors), investors (angel investors, venture capital firms, crowdfunding, etc), support organisations (incubators, accelerators, startup associations, hubs, etc), users, universities, governments, and corporations. Startup ecosystems have a positive impact on society and the economy. They contribute to various areas from job creation, open …