
Innovation Startups July 24, 2024 Von der Leyen 2.0: Vision For the Future of Startups and Innovation

Introduction Ursula von der Leyen has been appointed as President of the European Commission for a second term with 401 votes, setting the stage for an ambitious policy programme that will address critical challenges in competition, defence, sustainability, technology and health. Her pitch to the European Parliament outlined a clear vision of the next five …

2024 EU Elections Innovation Latest News Statement June 3, 2024 The Italians join AFS in advocating for increased support for innovative companies across Europe

Italian Tech Alliance and InnovUp, key representatives of Italy’s innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem, are calling for enhanced support for innovative companies across Europe in light of the upcoming EU Elections. “We are excited to support the Allied for Startups manifesto as a means to promote policies in favour of innovative businesses in Europe.” – says Giorgio …

2024 EU Elections Innovation Startups May 27, 2024 A Globally Interconnected Economy: A Catalyst for Startups and Innovation

The importance of a globally interconnected economy for startups and innovation cannot be overstated. The seamless flow of ideas, resources, and collaboration across borders is paramount for entrepreneurial success and driving progress. To illustrate these multifaceted benefits, this article highlights the opportunities provided by a globally interconnected economy and demonstrates how startups can leverage these …

Innovation Startups May 17, 2024 World Telecommunications Day: How startups are bridging the digital divide

At this point in time, technology is at the most advanced stage, and will only continue to improve. Nevertheless, at the same moment we are confronted with the Digital Divide, with 3.7 billion people still unconnected, which hinders innovation in certain areas of the planet. This divide limits opportunities for education, economic growth, and overall …

2024 EU Elections Competition Innovation Startups May 16, 2024 The EU must focus on fostering the rules of net neutrality

What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality refers to a principle that ensures internet service providers (ISPs) treat all online traffic equally and openly, without discrimination, blocking, throttling or prioritisation by user, content, service, application, or any method of communication at hand. In the digital space, the term isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the lifeblood of …

Innovation Startups April 24, 2024 How are startups and SMEs different?

Startups and SMEs are two different economic and social actors with different needs, capabilities and challenges – but they are, more often than not, placed in the same basket by policy makers. In hopes of bringing some much needed context to these evolving debates, we have laid out how they differ with a specific musical …

2024 EU Elections Innovation Startups April 17, 2024 EU Elections 2024 – How to foster the CEE startup ecosystem?

By Lucia Colníková, Portfolio Manager & League for Digital Boost Lead at the Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy (SAPIE) Although Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) may seem as a humdrum destination for entrepreneurs compared to the huge startup superpowers, the region has been widely acclaimed as a talent-rich destination that has emerged as a cradle …

DTX Innovation April 4, 2024 World Health Day 2024: My Health, My Right

Today, more than half of the world’s population still lacks access to essential health services, a very basic need, with the majority of households spending 10% of their households budget on healthcare, pushing millions into extreme poverty from out-of-pocket expenses. The digitalisation of health offers countless possibilities to democratise access to healthcare and delivery of …

DTX Innovation Policy Startups March 18, 2024 Analysing the European Health Data Space: a new era for healthtech startups?

After several trilogues, on 13 March, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament finally reached a political agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The main point of contention was the extent to which patients would be able to opt out of the system’s secondary use of data, through which startups could …

2024 EU Elections Innovation Policy Startups February 27, 2024 Unlocking Europe’s Digital Future: The Urgency for a Commissioner of Digital Entrepreneurship

By Tímea Bárocz, Operations Manager of Startup Hungary In today’s fast-paced digital era, innovation isn’t just advantageous; it’s essential for societal progression. The European Union, a vibrant tapestry of innovation and entrepreneurship, now stands at a pivotal juncture. However, a prevailing misconception within the EU is its perceived sluggishness in embracing digital transformation, often leading …

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