PRESS RELEASE: The European Health Data Space – a key strategy for cross-border startup innovation

May 4, 2022
Press Release - GPAI models

[Brussels, May 4th 2022, contact: [email protected] ] Allied for Startups welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for the European Health Data Space. The Health Data Space has the potential to introduce common standards for health data sharing and interoperability across the EU, key for startup ecosystems. 

The European Health Data Space could reshape how primary and secondary data is accessed and shared. Simplifying this process will enable startups, which inherently have less resources, to access key data to deliver life-saving digital health services to actors across the health continuum. 

Speaking about the release, Benedikt Blomeyer, Director for EU Policy said: “Harmonising European wide processes for sharing and accessing health data is the cornerstone for digital health startup innovation. The European Health Data Space has the opportunity to become the runway for startups to scale up in the EU once, not 27 times.” 

Allied for Startups is assessing the proposal on behalf of its members and its DTx startup network. We encourage legislators to consider startup perspectives in creating a simple and straightforward framework for health data access and sharing to ensure a level playing field for startups.

Allied for Startups is a worldwide network of over 40 advocacy organisations focused on improving the policy environment for startups. Our mission is to ensure that the voices of startups are heard in government. For more information on Allied for Startups including a full list of our network, visit the website at

You can find the PDF here.