How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?

June 12, 2024
How to Master Europe's Digital Infrastructure Needs?

On June 12, 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting the event “How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?”, supported by Euractiv as our Media Partner. The event focused on understanding the diverse needs of stakeholders in the digital infrastructure industry and discussing the European Commission’s proposed policy actions for the new legislative term.

The event began with an insightful presentation by Benoît Felten from Plum Consulting. He walked us through their latest report on the European Commission’s White Paper concerning the future of the telecom market. Benoît highlighted the potential implications of the proposed policy actions on various stakeholders, setting the stage for a deeper discussion.

Following the presentation, a panel discussion delved into the White Paper’s vision, exploring themes such as industry regulation, investment strategies, and the balance between EU-wide policies and member state-specific needs. The panelists shared their diverse perspectives on how these policies could shape Europe’s digital infrastructure and competitiveness.

A special thank you to our esteemed speakers for their invaluable insights:

  • Peter Stuckmann, Head of Unit, Electronic Communications Policy, Implementation and Enforcement, DG CNECT, European Commission
  • Mieke de Regt, Senior Advisor for European Digital and Telecommunications Policy, The Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU
  • Cláudio Teixeira, Legal Officer, Digital and Consumer Rights, BEUC
  • Aurélie Doutriaux, Deputy Director Brussels Office, Orange
  • Benoît Felten, Partner, Plum Consulting

A big round of applause goes to our esteemed speakers who shared their invaluable insights with our very full room of participants.

We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the Euractiv team for their support in making this event a success, and a special shoutout to Daniel Dalton for moderating the lively discussion.