Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence October 29, 2020 Regulating Artificial Intelligence – An opportunity for innovation in the European Union?

Artificial Intelligence legislation in Europe has enormous opportunities if we maintain and build a clear pathway for starting and scaling startups in Europe. The ambition at EU level should be to incentivise startup entrepreneurs to innovate and grow their business in any sector. Regulating AI has been high on the agenda of the new European …

Artificial Intelligence DTX Startups October 15, 2020 3 proposals to empower AI startups in healthcare

The use of AI technologies in healthcare is accelerating exponentially. The global market size is expected to grow from $4.9 billion in 2020 to $45.2 billion in 2026. AI startups are developing solutions for diagnostics, clinical decision support, precision medicine, drug discovery and patient monitoring. Recently, we have witnessed startups pivoting to use their AI-based …

Artificial Intelligence DTX June 25, 2020 Healthcare innovation beating cancer: showcasing life-saving startups

Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. According to the WHO, cancer was responsible for the loss of an estimated 9.6 million lives in 2018. Europe has a 25% share of the global cancer burden, with nearly 4 million new cases of cancer registered every year. It is a public health concern …

Artificial Intelligence Policy June 19, 2020 EU legislation on Artificial Intelligence: Incentivise entrepreneurs to innovate!

Last February, the European Commission published its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence announcing an AI regulatory framework to enable the safe development and deployment of AI in the EU. The White Paper release was coupled with the Commission’s consultation for stakeholders to express their opinion. The European Commission wants to propose a risk based approach …

Artificial Intelligence February 27, 2020 What AI Startup Entrepreneurs think about the EU AI Whitepaper 

With ground-breaking rules on AI on the table in the EU, Allied for Startups brings trailblazing AI startup entrepreneurs to the European Parliament to share their ideas and ambitions with policy makers. Stine co-founded Radiobotics to build machine learning algorithms that support radiologists. Lars co-founded to help medical professionals diagnose illnesses in emergency calls. …

Artificial Intelligence January 4, 2018 Artificial Intelligence: Why Regulators Need to Understand Startups First

We all love to reflect on the big questions in life while driving. This makes us great thinkers and bad drivers. Entrepreneurs and scientists are the rockstars of this century. Artificial Intelligence is exploding around the world and in Europe. In this wave of WTF? and OMG we want to look at how Europe can keep up while …