Press Release

Covid 19 Policy Press Release March 23, 2020 PRESS RELEASE: Governments should support startups in the covid-19 economic downturn

[Brussels, 23 March 2020, contact: [email protected]] Allied for Startups encourages governments and international organizations to take measures to support startups in the ensuing COVID-19 economic downturn. The health and safety of citizens during these difficult times should be the priority of governments and startups.  Looking into the future, an economic downturn is foreseeable. Startups have …

Policy Press Release March 10, 2020 Press Release: Allied for Startups encourages a stronger focus on startups for the European Commission’s SME and Industrial Strategies

[Brussels, 10 March 2020, contact: [email protected]] AFS welcomes the “SME strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe”, which includes the Startup Nations Standard, and encourages a strong focus on startups as independent actors in its implementation.  “The talent-focus of the proposed Startup Nation Standard has significant potential for startup ecosystems, since access to talent is …

Data Policy Press Release February 19, 2020 Allied For Startups welcomes the debate on the new Digital Strategy from the European Commission  

[Brussels, 19 February 2020] Allied for Startups welcomes that the European Commission is starting the debate on a comprehensive approach to digital policy with the release of a European digital strategy, a European strategy on data and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Whitepaper.   Digital Strategy “After the Digital Single Market Strategy, the Digital Strategy provides …

Press Release November 15, 2018 Allied for Startups Joins Startups Nations Summit in Indonesia, Bringing the Voice of Entrepreneursto APAC Policymakers

Advocacy network to harness the full potential of Asia’s growing innovation ecosystem — focusing on the startups community in Indonesia — by advocating for digital policy solutions that enable growth for entrepreneurs   Surabaya, 16 November 2018 —  Allied for Startups, a worldwide network creating consensus on policies that positively impact startups, announced their #Allied4Apps APAC …