Europe Should Praise its Startups

May 11, 2016

Every day, startups across Europe are building products that help to make our lives easier and more efficient. A lot of them aren’t that well known – and we want to change this by showcasing 100 of these success stories. This is why Allied for Startups will share one story, every day – for the next five months.

During the campaign, we’ll portrait one thriving European founder every day. The campaign includes daily posts on Twitter, Facebook and on We are also planning to organise three events at 50, 80 and 100 Startups to highlight what we’ve seen and to connect entrepreneurs to policy makers so that they can share their experiences and suggestions.

Fostering startups and digitisation has become a top priority of European policy makers. Rightfully so, because startups drive growth and jobs more than anything else. We believe European policy makers should know more about startups to shape regulation in a way that allows startups to prosper and grow. We want to bring policy makers and entrepreneurs together so they can share insights. Europe needs a positive dialogue around startups and innovation.

100 European Startups, 100 Success stories. A positive and evidence-driven dialogue about what keeps digital entrepreneurs up at night -and what Europe can do to help them.

You can follow the campaign here:

