PRESS RELEASE : Designing Artificial Intelligence requirements that consider startups will allow for innovation to thrive. 

April 22, 2021
press release Artificial Intelligence

[Brussels, 22 April 2021] Allied for Startups (AFS) welcomes the European Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act and efforts to lay down harmonised rules for Artificial Intelligence uptake in Europe, however warns about potential regulatory complexity for startups. 

AFS supports the proposed initiatives to encourage AI innovation in Europe such as regulatory sandboxes and measures aimed to lower the regulatory burden for startups. Startups are looking for regulatory certainty and simplicity when they innovate in high-risk AI applications and in this context the proposals are welcomed. 

However, Allied for Startups encourages regulators to keep a global perspective when designing new AI rules. There is a danger that startups in Europe will be saddled with a heavy regulatory load that puts them in a competitive disadvantage compared to their global counterparts. Ensuring this can be avoided  will be a key measure of the success of the AI legislation. 

Speaking about the release on Wednesday, Benedikt Blomeyer, EU Policy Director at Allied for Startups said “Identifying and specifically addressing high-risk AI applications and minimising the impact on the broader ecosystem is a critical part of this legislation”

“The key question will be whether it is proportionate to the potential risks that AI poses whilst ensuring that European startups can also take advantage of its potential benefits.”

“As the economy recovers post-COVID, policy makers should design AI rules that attract more entrepreneurs to launch an AI startup in Europe.”

For further information, please contact: [email protected] You can find the PDF version of the release here

Allied for Startups is a worldwide network of over 45 advocacy organisations focused on improving the policy environment for startups. Our mission is to ensure that the voices of startups are heard in government. For more information on Allied for Startups including a full list of our network, visit the website at