The Launch of The HealthTech Charter: Standards in Digital Health Innovation

December 9, 2021
The HealthTech Charter

The HealthTech Charter was officially launched on December 8, 2021, placing a spotlight on the future of digital health innovation in Europe. As a best practice repository of the most empowering policies and measures for digital health innovations to succeed, The HealthTech Charter brings entrepreneurial perspectives to the policy-making table.  

During the event, leading entrepreneurs, policy makers and key health stakeholders came together to discuss the opportunities and challenges for healthtech innovation. Innovators across Europe shared their perspectives navigating the European health policy system, urging policy makers for more startup-inclusive and unified regulations across borders. A high level panel brought Member of European Parliament, Susana Solis, and Ceri Thompson from the European Commission, in a thought-provoking conversation with startups Psious and Tired of Cancer. Acknowledging the large potential of digital health in solving current and future health challenges, panelists discussed regulatory pain points that create obstacles to successfully scale across Europe, including the lack of reimbursement schemes and bureaucratic processes for obtaining grants. 

With the COVID-19 pandemic placing a spotlight on digital health, the HealthTech Charter provides an opportunity to shape Europe into a hub for digital health scale-ups. Sharing best in-class policies will not only improve individual ecosystems, it will also smoothen the pathway for a digital health startup that is successful in one country to be successful in the whole of Europe.

Take a look at the HealthTech Charter here.

Interested in being part of the conversation on the future of digital health innovation? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]