Digital Health Startup Voices: Tokitus

May 23, 2022
Digital Health Startup

Allied for Startups DTx brings together a network of digital health startup, policy makers and key healthcare stakeholders to bridge the voice of entrepreneurs in healthtech policy and governance. As part of our Digital Health Startup Voices series, join us as we get to know our newest member Tokitus – a platform that offers high-quality mental health care services to as many clients as possible, no matter which part of the world they come from. People want professional therapy to be more accessible and affordable – and they’re here to deliver.

Tell us the story behind Tokitus – what is your mission?

The beginning of Tokitus was two years ago, in 2020. Several people from seemingly different worlds – IT, business, and psychotherapy – came up with a joint idea: launch an innovative mental health online platform uniting qualified therapists worldwide. That’s how it started. From the beginning, our focus remained clear: offering top-quality mental health care services to people who need them. It doesn’t matter which part of the world you come from. It doesn’t matter how much you earn. We wanted to make professional therapy as accessible and affordable as possible. Another focus point of Tokitus is the online community. You can be part of it and dig into our well-being content completely free of charge. Our topics range from men’s mental health to relationship issues and mindful productivity. You could say that promoting mental health awareness and trying to reduce the stigma is our daily bread and butter. And it truly is.

What has your experience been scaling your startup across Europe and beyond?

We sometimes joke, “Imagine a multicultural vibe. Now put it on steroids. That’s what Tokitus is all about.” Seriously, from our founders to therapists and clients, we’re as multinational as it gets. Our therapists come from 9 countries and speak more than 18+ languages. There are countries in Europe where therapy practice is not as developed yet – where people struggle to get in touch with professionals. In other countries, therapy is perceived as a form of self-care. It’s popular – and then queues stretch to infinity. The result, somewhat paradoxically, is the same: clients struggle to get in touch with professionals. We believe people are ready for a change. And we’re here to bring it, always emphasizing availability, accessibility, and a user-friendly approach. 

What is your biggest ask from government & policymakers to ensure the future of mental health innovation in Europe?

 Tokitus team is well aware that different EU countries have different policies regarding psychotherapy. So we aim to make sure our therapists are well trained and adhere to the highest standards of practice. Another crucial thing is promoting a healthier approach toward mental health, which includes a spectrum of things. To name a few: psycho-education and prevention of mental illness, improvement of psychological care, advocacy for the protection of people struggling with mental health, contribution to policies dedicated to ending mental health stigma, and more. In essence, we believe that governments are ready to step up and take the necessary steps to adopt progressive mental health policies that do make a difference. To make it even more specific, we believe that taking care of our mental hygiene should be as encouraged as taking care of our physical health. And we’re positive it’s just a matter of time.

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