AI and Data Acts: catalyst or constraint for European startups?

March 28, 2023

March 28, 2023 Brussels

Allied for Startups came together with startup associations from across Europe and co-organised an event at the European Parliament to discuss two essential topics for startups and entrepreneurs: the AI Act and the Data Act.

The event was an interactive discussion among entrepreneurs, startup organisations and policy makers from the European Parliament and European Commission:

  • MEP Dragos Tudorache,  Renew
  • MEP Deirdre Clune, EPP 
  • MEP Brando Benifei, S&D
  • MEP Pilar del Castillo, EPP 
  • MEP Damian Böselager, Greens 
  • MEP Alin Mituța, Renew 
  • Lucilla Sioli, Director for AI and Digital Industry at European Commission
  • Bjorn Juretzki, Head of Unit “Data Policy and Innovation” – DG CONNECT