Europe 2024-2029

January 17, 2024
Europe 2024-2029

During the 2019-2024 mandate, the EU has delivered its promise to regulate the digital economy, with comprehensive regulations spanning digital markets, online content, cybersecurity, data, cloud, and artificial intelligence.

This motivated the European startup ecosystem to unite with the collective goal to facilitate direct dialogues between European innovative companies and policymakers. Our event in the European Parliament, which took place on 10 January 2024, set the stage for discussions that addressed EU priorities for 2024 under the Belgian presidency and the subsequent five years post elections.

We dove into the current regulatory tech landscape, brainstorming and strategising how to strike the perfect balance between policy and innovation. Furthermore, we explored how to unlock investment to boost European competitiveness. We believe that the event marked a proactive step toward creating conditions that empower European tech innovators to flourish and contribute to the region’s digital evolution.


Learn more about the event here.

Find highlights and pictures from the event here.