
Innovation Latest News Startups May 5, 2021 Is the European Union promoting entrepreneurship and innovation?

Supporting startups is not just a question of money, regulation should also encourage starting and scaling up. In its working programme, the European Union has made the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship one of its priorities. Through numerous funding programmes and initiatives, the European Union is making efforts to step up its game to become …

DTX Startups April 7, 2021 5 startups improving access to healthcare

On the occasion of World Health Day, we are sharing the inspiring stories of startups who are leveraging technology to improve access to healthcare.  Happy World Health Day, everyone! This day is celebrated globally every year since the founding of the World Health Organisation in 1948. This year, the theme is Building a fairer, healthier …

Startups March 3, 2021 Wildlife protection by startup innovation

On the occasion of World Wildlife Day, we share the stories of startups who are leveraging technology to support wildlife protection.  Since 2013, the United Nations World Wildlife Day is celebrated on March 3 every year to highlight the importance of biodiversity and to raise awareness about the urgent need to tackle human-induced reduction of …

Startups February 11, 2021 Factoring in startups in digital legisation promotes job creation

In 2020 there was an unprecedented global employment loss – of 114 million jobs relative to 2019 – according to the International Labour Organisation. As the crisis is ongoing, unemployment  is expected to rise  8.6 percent in 2021 in the European Union alone,  with the retailing, leisure and hospitality sectors being the most affected.  This …

DTX Startups February 4, 2021 How startups support Europe’s Beating Cancer efforts

This article was originally posted on June 25, following the European Parliament’s vote to set up the Special Committee on beating cancer. It has been modified and published again on February 4, following the publication of Europe’s Beating Cancer plan. Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. According to the WHO, cancer …

Covid 19 Startups January 27, 2021 How startups support COVID-19 vaccinations

As the first COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out, an end to the health crisis is in sight. Despite recent delays, the EU intends to vaccinate 70% of its adult population by summer. Startups from across the world are contributing to vaccination efforts. From addressing distribution challenges to ensuring smooth workflows, innovative entrepreneurs play an important …

Startups January 6, 2021 5 startups creating lasting social impact

The social and economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic range from an increase in unemployment and social exclusion to food insecurity in developing countries. During these challenging times, it is more important than ever to foster human solidarity and find new ways to tackle the modern world’s social problems. Startups have a key role to …

DTX Startups November 9, 2020 Why should digital health startups be part of policy conversations?

COVID-19 highlights the extraordinary potential of digital health startups, which regulation can empower to further scale. To do so, we advocate building a dialogue with the entrepreneurs behind them. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitisation of healthcare. Digital health startups are developing innovative digital health solutions to support healthcare systems and patients, provide new …

DTX Startups October 22, 2020 PDHA: digital health innovators awarded by patients

The Patients’ Digital Health Awards winners were announced in the virtual ceremony last Friday. After carefully considering the applications from over 13 European countries, Patient Associations chose 3 digital health solutions that improve the quality of life of patients and caregivers. As a partner of this initiative, we are proud to see a diverse list …

Artificial Intelligence DTX Startups October 15, 2020 3 proposals to empower AI startups in healthcare

The use of AI technologies in healthcare is accelerating exponentially. The global market size is expected to grow from $4.9 billion in 2020 to $45.2 billion in 2026. AI startups are developing solutions for diagnostics, clinical decision support, precision medicine, drug discovery and patient monitoring. Recently, we have witnessed startups pivoting to use their AI-based …

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