Our new year’s roadmap

January 13, 2023

New Year, new projects! And that is true at Allied for Startups, where we will keep working on our policy priorities as we launch new startup initiatives with the same mission in mind: to advocate for a global startup-friendly policy environment. Sneak peek on what’s on our agenda for 2023:


We will be kicking 2023 off with the hybrid DTx Startup Congress on January 25th, uniting startups, policymakers and ecosystem builders to bridge entrepreneurial voices in healthtech policy and government. Join us as we compare healthtech ecosystems, discuss best practices and obstacles for digital health innovation, and debate the creation of a European Health Data Space fit for startups. Project wise, stay tuned as we launch our HealthTech Charter French Fitness Check and reveal which Member State we will be zooming into next. On the policy front, we will keep advocating for a startup-friendly European Health Data Space.


In the Artificial Intelligence (AI) domain, we will focus our attention on General Purpose AI, AI standardisation, and AI liability. We will launch a campaign aiming at ensuring that any regulatory approach of general purpose AI respects the AI Act’s risk-based approach and takes into account the startups’ realities and needs. In parallel, we will participate in an ad hoc group for the AI standardisation process and we will engage in the discussions about the liability regimes that apply to AI, including the AI liability and the Product liability Directives to advocate for no excessive compliance requirements for startups. 

The Net neutrality debate is back! We will engage in the policy debate about regulatory initiatives such as a potential “network fees” regulation that could impact net neutrality rules and result in lower internet speed for actors such as startups -affecting their innovation potential and thus, the future growth of the European tech industry as a whole by discouraging new market entrants and investment. Stay tuned! 

Data as always is at the top of our priority list. We’re advocating for a Data Act that includes startups’ needs in topics such as non-personal data transfer/access, B2B Data Sharing and could-switching as well as contributing to the New EU-US Data Privacy Framework’ conversation, to ensure that these unleash startups’ potential, fostering innovation and growth. We’ll be doing more with infographics, which seem to have reached. 

EU Elections Charter

EU Elections are around the corner and we won’t miss out on the opportunity to be heard! We will be working on an EU Elections Charter together with our members to ensure that startups are regarded in the legislative environment as the key players in the digital economy. 

Led by our strong mission and values, in 2023 we’ll continue advocating for innovation and entrepreneurship together with our Members to set the scene where startups can unleash all their potential. Do you want to join us?