Allied For Startups · Blog

Artificial Intelligence Policy March 16, 2022 What do startups need from the Artificial Intelligence Act?

For many AI startups, the global challenges we are currently facing (COVID-19, climate change) are opportunities to use technology to improve people’s lives. At the same time, they are building technologies that are currently being regulated by EU policy makers. In this blog post we share key priorities for policy makers to consider in order …

Startups March 8, 2022 Scaling Allied for Startups into emerging markets

We were born almost a decade ago and our Membership growth mirrors the increased need for startup representation at the policy table – exponential. Why? Startups are an economic force to be reckoned with and policy makers have noticed. Digital rules are proliferating across borders, which often means that starting-up is becoming increasingly complex for …

DTX Healthtech Charter Startups February 24, 2022 eHealth Services Empowering Startups #HealthTechCharter

The Third Best Practice of the HealthTechCharter refers to Estonia’s fully interoperable Electronic Health Records and e-Prescriptions integrated into its national health system. These eHealth services have empowered actors along the health continuum – and supported startups in digital health to succeed. Adopting similar practices across European borders would be a big step towards building …

Data Press Release February 24, 2022 PRESS RELEASE: Enhancements in the Data Act key for startups

[Brussels, 24rd February 2022, contact: [email protected]] Allied for Startups acknowledges the critical value of free flowing data to the EU economy and proposes enhancements to the Data Act.  Allied for Startups welcomes the objectives of the European Commission’s proposal. This proposal can ensure the extraction of more value from data throughout the EU, enabling interoperability …

Data Latest News Policy February 15, 2022 Why enabling global data flows should become an EU policy priority (again)

An entrepreneur is never more than a good idea and a dataset away from the next unicorn. Sounds like a broken record? But what if that dataset is from another country or if your startup is using platforms from around the world. All actors in the EU policy space should be aware that startups are …

Data DTX Healthtech Charter Innovation February 10, 2022 Access to Health Data for Research and Innovation #HealthTechCharter

As part of the HealthTech Charter series, this article delves into the Second Best Practice on the Reuse and Access to Secondary Health Data. Find out what leading entrepreneurs have identified as the most empowering practice to scale their solutions within Europe.   Health data replaces guess work. It empowers researchers, patients, and clinicians to make …

Uncategorized February 9, 2022 Incentivising gig economy success for consumers, platform workers and the economy

Many startups delivering for businesses and consumers choose to be platforms and to offer gig jobs. As the EU gets into second gear with its directive for platform workers, we believe this legislation can increase gig economy success for consumers, platform workers, and the economy. On 8 December 2021, as part of its objective to …

DTX Healthtech Charter Startups February 3, 2022 A Year in Review – 2021 DTx Annual Report

Allied for Startups DTx has published its 2021 Annual Report! With digital health initiatives under the European spotlight, take a look at the project’s main activities and growth this past year. Join us as we continue to enhance the policy environment for startups and support innovation in the European healthcare ecosystem in 2022.    Download …

DTX Healthtech Charter Policy January 27, 2022 Reimbursement of Digital Health Applications in Europe #HealthTechCharter

With the HealthTech Charter officially launched, Allied for Startups DTx is starting a series spotlighting best practises in digital health innovation in Europe. Join us as we dive deep into what works according to healthtech entrepreneurs – but more importantly, what we need more of for digital health to thrive in Europe!  Through data-based treatment …

Latest News Press Release January 20, 2022 PRESS RELEASE: Digital Services Act vote: An opportunity for startups but a long road ahead

[Brussels, 20 January 2021, contact [email protected]] Allied for Startups welcomes the adoption of the European Parliament’s Resolution on the Digital Services Act which makes a first step towards finding a balance between preventing the dissemination of illegal content and providing startups with the flexibility they need to innovate.  The Resolution maintains the key principles of …

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