Allied For Startups · Blog

Events June 19, 2020 DSA 4 Startups Roadshow: Denmark

June 19, 2020, Copenhagen  In collaboration with our Member – The Danish Entrepreneurs Association – we hosted the 4th Webinar in our #DSA4Startups Roadshow. The input of representatives from Too Good To Go,  the food saving platform, Yelp, Danish Crowfunding Association and TrustPilot provided a case in point on how platforms will be affected by the Digital Services Act. …

Events June 4, 2020 DSA 4 Startups Roadshow: Germany

June 4, 2020, Berlin We co-hosted our third #DSA4startups webinar with our German member Sillicon Allee! We are proud to bridge the gap between startups and policy makers through our campaign to bring the voice of entrepreneurs to politics. Through examples we learnt how legislation has a very real and tangible impact on startups. High …

Events May 20, 2020 DSA 4 Startups Roadshow: Romania & Bulgaria

May 20, 2020, Sofia & Bucharest As part of the #DSA4Startups Roadshow, we co-hosted the second series webinar, this time with our Romanian and Bulgarian members Codette and BESCO.  We discussed the impact that the Digital Services Act might have on startups, what improvements could support startups and how to respond to the consultation. High level speakers …

Events May 13, 2020 DSA 4 Startups Roadshow: The Netherlands

May 13, 2019, The Hague AFS officially launched its first webinar in the #DSA4startups campaign. On this occasion we took a deep dive in the Dutch startup ecosystem. The Netherlands is a leading tech player in the European Union, a flourishing startup ecosystems in its own right. For that reason, identifying what works and upgrading …

Events November 9, 2019 Startups in the European Healthcare Ecosystem and EU Policy

November 9, 2019, Brussels Allied for Startups DTx invited founders of European digital health startups to Brussels to talk directly to policymakers and regulators from the European Parliament and Commission in a highly interactive roundtable discussion. Speakers included: MEP Tiemo Wölken Anna Sobczak, Policy Officer for Clusters and Emerging Industries (European Commission, DG GROW) Natalia …

Events October 17, 2019 AFS Annual Summit 2019

October 15 – 17, 2019, Brussels In its 5th edition, Allied for Startups’ Annual Summit united 23 startup associations from 3 continents to Brussels to discuss how policy can enable exponential startup growth. This featured a roundtable discussion in the European Parliament at the start of its new mandate, allowing policymakers and community leaders to …

Events October 17, 2018 AFS Annual Summit 2018

October 15 – 17, 2018, Brussels AFS organized its 4th Annual Summit, uniting global startup associations in Brussels for a 3-day event. Member’s came together for our General Assembly, voting on our policy priorities and 2019 Mandate. This also featured the launch of The Informal Intergroup on Startups in the European Parliament, which brought together …

Events October 19, 2017 AFS Annual Summit 2017

October 17 – 19, 2017, Brussels Over 25 European and global startup organisations joined Allied for Startups’ 3rd Annual Summit. Through a series of meetings and workshops, policy priorities for startup communities were developed and discussed with policy makers including: Carl-Christian Buhr Deputy Head of Cabinet, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel Elisabeth Bertrand, European Commission Bjoern Juretzki, …

Events October 19, 2016 AFS Annual Summit 2016

October 17 – 19, 2016, Brussels Allied for Startups hosted its second summit, uniting global startup associations in Brussels for a series of powered workshops on EU policy matters, the Annual Policy Dinner, and roundtable discussions with high level policy makers, including: Andrus Ansip, European Commission Vice President Antanas Gouga MEP Anneliese Dodds MEP Marju …

Events December 10, 2015 AFS Annual Meeting 2015

December 8- 10, 2015, Brussels Allied for Startups brought 18 Member organisations to Brussels for its first ever Annual Meeting. Members discussed relevant EU policies, voted on its 2016 policy priorities and engaged with policy makers, including: Jörgen Gren, Member of Cabinet of Vice President Andrus Ansip, responsible for Copyright, Platforms and Data Economy Hope …

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