Allied For Startups · Blog

Startups August 21, 2019 Europe❤️Startups: Why Startups are Europe’s Top Job Creators

Startups accelerate economic growth, expanding and creating jobs faster than the rest of the economy. What can the European Parliament do to enable startups to multiply their contribution to the European market.

Open Letter July 29, 2019 Letter to Commission President-elect von der Leyen

Dear Commission President-elect von der Leyen. We warmly congratulate you on your election as Commission President. More than ever, Europe is at a crossroad seeking unity and leadership to overcome challenging times of transformation. 

DTX June 21, 2019 Digital Therapeutics: Our takeaways from HIMSS Europe, EHMA 2.0 and DTxEurope

In the past three weeks we’ve partnered with three renowned health tech conferences – HIMSS Europe, EHMA 2.0 and DTxEurope…

Policy Startups June 21, 2019 Problem-Based Learning: A startups’ recipe for policy makers

Online platforms transform the way we purchase, communicate, move and work – everybody enjoys their services everyday. Startups benefit from this thriving platform economy – it helps them to grow, operate with little cost and connect easily with consumers and users. With the platform economy, startups deliver new products and services which benefits consumers and …

DTX Startups May 16, 2019 5 Innovative Vaccine Startups in Europe

Vaccination, as the European Commission states, is the most cost-effective tool for widespread disease prevention. Yet, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey, 48% of Europeans believe vaccines can produce serious side-effects. The same survey shows that more than 12.000 measles cases were reported in the European Economic Area and 35 people died from them last year, …

Startups April 18, 2019 Allied for Startups Grows to Croatia, Romania and Serbia

Allied for Startups is proud to welcome three new members to its growing global startup advocacy network. With Startup Zagreb,  Codette and Startit, three startup organisations doing remarkable work in their national ecosystems, are scaling their efforts to a global level. “Though our members come from different national ecosystems, many startups operate with a global …

Statement April 17, 2019 Statement on the plenary vote on the Terrorist Content Online Regulation

[Brussels, 17 April 2019] Allied for Startups regrets the outcome of the plenary vote today, which adds an obstacle to early stage entrepreneurs. The one-hour removal requirement accompanied by financial penalties is untenable for startups which are not able to operate a 24/7 service yet. Especially in their early growth stages, startups neither have the …

Statement April 17, 2019 Statement on the adoption of the P2B regulation’s interinstitutional agreement by the European Parliament

[Brussels, 17 April] We welcome today’s endorsement by the European Parliament of the interinstitutional agreement on fairness and transparency in platform-to-business relations. Benedikt Blomeyer, Manager European Affairs at Allied for Startups, said “The diversity of the platform economy was largely taken into account in the final text and we are pleased that the negotiators have …

Policy April 5, 2019 Startup Communities look ahead with policy recommendations

We presented 11 concrete policy recommendations for European leaders at the Startup Europe Summit in Cluj. At Startup Europe Summit, Allied for Startups coordinated with Startup Europe the publication of “Startup Policy Ideas”…

Talent April 5, 2019 It’s all about Talent, Talent, Talent

Next to markets and capital, talent has always been one of the top three things entrepreneurs need to thrive. With more capital available and markets slowly uniting, access to talent is becoming the biggest bottleneck to scaling up in the EU. We suggest three building blocks to policy makers: Train more talent, enable startups to hire …

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