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Artificial Intelligence Latest News Press Release June 14, 2023 PRESS RELEASE: AI Act Plenary vote: Startups call for a harmonised and proportionate AI Act

AI Act Plenary vote: Startups call for a harmonised and proportionate AI Act [Brussels, 14 June 2023, contact [email protected]] With the adoption by the European Parliament plenary of the joint report on the Artificial Intelligence Act, Allied for Startups urges policymakers to consider startups’ perspective in its upcoming negotiations.  Speaking about the adoption of the …

Artificial Intelligence Latest News Open Letter June 12, 2023 Ensuring a fair and proportionate AI Act for startups

Allied for Startups sent an open letter highlighting key recommendations on the AI Act to Members of the European Parliament. The letter puts forward 3 main asks to ensure the text remains fair and proportionate for startups. Download the PDF here.

DTX Latest News Open Letter June 12, 2023 Open Letter: A European Health Data Space Fit for Startups

Startup communities came together and sent an open letter on their key asks for the European Health Data Space to policy makers. The letter is co-signed by 12 startup associations and includes 3 key asks from policy makers to ensure the file fulfills its promise to startups & innovation. Download the PDF here. 

Latest News Policy June 2, 2023 Where are we in the encryption debate?

Startups benefit from using encryption in their everyday operations, as it allows them to store and send information across the Internet securely at a relatively low cost. Many startups use encryption to provide secure communication channels for their employees and customers, which in turn helps to build trust and credibility around their businesses and, ultimately, …

Data Latest News Policy May 25, 2023 ‘Back to Basics for Startups’ – International Data Transfers

Any entrepreneur is just an idea and the right data set away from a startup. As global actors, startups benefit from transferring data across borders to expand their customer base and scale their businesses. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Governance Act (DGA) and the Data Act are three key policies that contain …

Latest News Policy May 17, 2023 ‘Back to Basics for Startups’ – The revision of the EU Product Liability Directive

What’s proposed? The European Commission proposed on 28 September 2022 a revision of the Product Liability Directive (PLD), originally adopted in 1985. The main goal of the proposed revision is to modernise the existing Directive to reflect technological advances, changes in consumer behaviour, and evolving business practices. In this regard, the latest revision of the …

Latest News Press Release May 11, 2023 AI Act Committee vote: The AI Act should incentivise starting up and scaling

[Brussels, 11 May 2023, contact [email protected]] Allied for Startups welcomes the adoption of the European Parliament’s IMCO and LIBE committees’ joint report on the Artificial Intelligence Act and urges policymakers to consider startups’ perspective in the upcoming negotiations.  The AI Act aims to ensure that the development and uptake of AI in the EU are …

Artificial Intelligence Latest News Policy May 3, 2023 ‘Back to Basics for Startups’ – AI Regulation in the EU

What’s proposed? The European Commission has proposed a new Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) to regulate the development and use of AI systems in the European Union. The proposed legislation outlines a risk-based approach to AI, with four levels of risk categorisation: unacceptable risk AI, high-risk AI, limited risk AI, and minimal risk AI. If …

Events LATAM Latest News Startups April 27, 2023 Driving the startup ecosystem in LATAM

On April 19-26, the AFS LATAM office organised a series of panels and discussions to create a collaborative environment for the policies our startup ecosystem needs to thrive.  Digital Economy, Cybersecurity, and the Startup Ecosystem On April 19 The AFS LATAM office hosted a roundtable for our LATAM member Associations on the Digital Economy, Cybersecurity, …

Data Latest News Open Letter Uncategorized April 25, 2023 The Data Act should be as clear and simple as a Startup Pitch

Startup communities have come together and sent a Data Act open letter to policy makers. The letter is co-signed by 13 startup associations and includes 3 key asks from policy makers to ensure the file fulfills its promise of stimulating a competitive data market, opening opportunities for data-driven innovation and making data more accessible for …