
Latest News Policy Startups January 13, 2023 Our new year’s roadmap

New Year, new projects! And that is true at Allied for Startups, where we will keep working on our policy priorities as we launch new startup initiatives with the same mission in mind: to advocate for a global startup-friendly policy environment. Sneak peek on what’s on our agenda for 2023: DTx We will be kicking …

Latest News Policy Startups Uncategorized December 21, 2022 Our 2022 word is growth

As 2022 comes to an end, we take a look at what an incredible year this has been for startups worldwide. At Allied for Startups we can proudly say goodbye to a year of growth and meaningful policy results that reaffirm our mission as a global startup organisation.  The Policy Corner We have seen the …

Innovation Latest News Policy December 13, 2022 The cybersecurity reform is an opportunity for innovation

By Alejandra Plaschinski, Director for LATAM at Allied for Startups Cybersecurity legislation has been under discussion in the Mexican Congress in recent months. This debate comes at a key moment to position Mexico as a leader in the digital ecosystem for Latin America. The reform gives congress the possibility to attract capital investment while boosting …

Data Latest News Policy December 7, 2022 Cloud Switching in the Data Act: Why does it matter for startups?

In this third piece of the Data Act series, we discuss the way in which the Data Act regulates switching between cloud service providers and how this can affect startups.  The Data Act aims to facilitate switching between cloud services by removing commercial, technical, contractual, and organisational obstacles. This is regulated in Chapter VI (Articles …

Artificial Intelligence Latest News Policy December 2, 2022 AI Act & startups: General Purpose AI in a nutshell

The discussions on the European Commission‘s proposal on Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) are advancing in the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.  We are closely following, among others, the different approaches for the regulation of general purpose AI systems, which will directly impact startups. The latter were not initially in the scope of …

Data Latest News Policy November 17, 2022 B2B mandatory data sharing in the Data Act. Friend or foe?

We continue our series on the Data Act, this time we will deep-dive into Business-to-Business (B2B) data sharing, one of the key aspects regulated by the Data Act and a crucial one for startups.  One of the key goals of the regulation is to make non-personal/industrial data more widely shared between businesses, which is mainly …

Latest News Policy Startup Nations Standard November 9, 2022 Is Spain ready to be the first EU Startup Nation?

The Spanish Parliament has approved the first Spanish Startup Law after sixteen months in the pipeline. This is exciting news for the Spanish and European startup ecosystems, so much so that it has been baptised in Spain by some as “la deseada” (the wished for).  This piece of legislation constitutes a conscious effort on the …

Latest News Policy Startups September 23, 2022 Time to lead on global economic policy development

By Michael McGeary, Founding Board Member, Allied for Startups  As governments around the world emerge from facing down the economic and public health crises of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are turning towards forward-looking policy development, especially with regard to technology and its role in society. In the US, antitrust, competition and privacy are once again …

Artificial Intelligence Digital Single Market Policy September 22, 2022 How may the AI Liability Directive impact startups.

For many AI startups, the global challenges we are currently facing (COVID-19, climate change, and the energy crisis) are opportunities to use technology to improve people’s lives. This is why AFS  has actively participated in the policy debate on AI since the first White Paper on the topic was published in February 2020. Advocating for …

Data DTX Policy September 1, 2022 Q4 Projects and Priorities

We’re back after a restful summer break, fully recharged and excited to jump back in on our projects ahead. Entering the last quarter of 2022, we take a look at Allied for Startups’ exciting upcoming activities. Allied for Startups Annual Summit 2022 Allied for Startups will be hosting its Annual Summit in October 2022! After …